Department of Mechanical Engineering is committed to impart quality education, practical training, project guidance, industrial training and personality development programs to the students to achieve the best jobs in the corporate world. A focused training to build self-confidence and self-motivation to work in the industry and also for to go for the higher studies. The department has the SAE Club for our students to explore new world of practical training apart from their curriculum. The students are also encouraged to participate in various curricular and extra-curricular events.
The department has well qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty members to provide proper guidance and good technical support to the students. The laboratories have been well established to cover complete syllabus with applicable practicals and to guide them beyond the syllabus which definitely develops complete knowledge of the competitive world.
The department of Mechanical Engineering has the vision to become a centre of excellence in the field of Mechanical Engineering. Our faculty members and students are dedicated to achieving this goal with great enthusiasm and good ethical values.
The department strives to impart quality education keeping in view the global scenario and social obligation. The track record of the department, judged by the employment potential of our students and noteworthy achievements of illustrious alumni. The department strives for continuous improvement in the quality of education through curriculum development and timely up-gradation of laboratories.
The department has well equipped Heat Engines & Strength of Materials, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Hydraulics & Theory of Machines Laboratories. The department also has a well-equipped workshop that caters to the need of the entire college. The department has laboratory and workshop facilities with modern sophisticated equipment to carry out research in all areas related to Mechanical and Production & Industrial Engineering. The faculty actively participates in sponsored research and consultancy work.
The following programs are offered through this department;
Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) Mechanical Engineering |
04 years |
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering | 03 years |
Mechanical Engineering involves many different principles for analysis, Design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. A Mechanical Engineer designs, develops, operates and maintains systems required for the industry whether a power plant, space & nuclear establishment, steel plant, military establishment or automobile industry.
Presently the department is running the following courses under the affiliation with ‘Uttrakhand Technical University’.
Undergraduate: Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.)
Mechanical Engineering
Intake: 60
Mechanical Engineering course has a very wide application range. These are divided in the domains i.e. thermal, design and manufacturing. In thermal engineering division students are taught the basic of thermal science, applied thermodynamics, refrigeration and air-conditioning, heat & mass transfers, automobile engineering and I.C. engines. In design field subjects which are taught in such a way that the student can introduce a new product or modify the existing product. In manufacturing field subjects are in such a way that a student can become an entrepreneur by opening a small-scale industry.
The department of Mechanical Engineering has laboratories including the thermal engineering, heat-transfer, dynamics, metallurgy, metrology, fuels, etc. Modern computing facilities are available for students at the Computer Aided Design and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratories. As per the syllabus, there are definite experiments allotted to each lab with reference to the applicable lab. Through the experiments performed at the labs, the students get practical knowledge supplementing the learning gathered in the classrooms. The knowledge acquired in the lab eventually equips the students to provide quality service to be employed in the industry. In addition to well-established Workshop and Conventional Enginnering Labs, there are modern Labs like FMS Lab, Mechatronics Lab, EDM Lab, CAD/CAM Lab and R & D Lab in the department. The Department provides ample laboratory facilities and hands-on training to the Undergraduate students both in the conventional subject as also in the emerging fields of specialization. The Department is backed by a number of well-developed laboratories as mentioned below:-
- Heat power Engineering Lab
- C. Engine Lab
- Refrigeration & Air-condition Lab
- Machine Tools Lab
- Mechanical Measurements & Control Lab
- Vibration Lab
- Tribology & Terotechnology Lab
- Non-traditional Machining Lab
- Computer Lab
- Flexible Manufacturing Systems Lab
- Composite Materials Lab
- Solar Power & non-conventional energy Lab
- Automobile Emission Control Lab
- Manufacturing Science Lab
- Non-destructing Testing Lab
- Quality Engineering & Reliability Lab
- Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer Lab
- CFD & Heat Transfer Lab