The fundamental objective of an Institution of higher education is to direct the youth of the nation towards the path of progress and prosperity by inculcating ethical values along with holistic development in academic and other co-related fields of education. I am delighted to welcome you in JBIT Group of Institutions committed to providing high-quality professional education in engineering, agriculture, management and pharmacy disciplines. We are being distinguished as state leaders in teaching and learning, student interactions, and well-being. The main goal is to provide students with quality education, intellect, expertise, and training both at the academic & non-academic levels to meet the global competitive challenges. The infrastructure facilities and a galaxy of competent, talented, and dedicated faculty contribute to our valuable students’ professional and academic success.
JBIT has an environmentally friendly campus with state-of-the-art well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, adequate sports infrastructure and libraries to assist students in achieving the highest standards in academics, research, and professional skills. I wish you a pleasurable and academically rewarding experience and your good deeds will certainly add to the pride and privilege of this prestigious Institution. With extreme happiness, I welcome all the new students. I am sure the students choosing to be a part of JBIT will find themselves to be in a hugely advantageous position to achieve their dream careers.
(Dr. Pitamber Chaudhary)