Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program at JBIT College of Applied science is of three years and divided into six semesters. The Course is affiliated to Shree Dev Suman Uttrakhand University (Sate Government University) .The course enables the students to know the basic concepts of the business world. JBIT College is an emerging private college in Dehradun, organizing various seminars and workshops for its students to interact with esteemed personalities from corporate world.
Management graduates are required to be specialized in their respective field of study to run, establish and maintain the business world. Students are required to elect any two specializations in the third semester as major and minor out of options of Marketing, Finance & Human Resource Management. The following specializations helps the students to get expertise over the three important areas of the business operations;
- Marketing Management
- Financial Management
- Human Resources Managament
JBIT believes the importance of Personality development and its valuable impact on the students’ career after completing education. The PDP Cell providing unique training programs to prepare the students for ehanced skills required to get placement and selection in the reputed companies. Through this PDP Cell, students personalities are groomed well in a dynamic environment so that they are selected as the best candidate in the industry. These are the focused area of training;
- Critical Thinking & Decision Making
- Global Communication
- Quantitative Analysis and Aptitude
- Team association & Leadership
- Respect, Inclusiveness & Valuing People
- Personal and Professional Development
- Global Awareness
- Innovation and Creativity
- Business Etiquettes
- To develop leadership quality.
- Ability to achieve the organizational goals.
- To develop the quality to understand the Management Practices
- Develop quality to make effective decisions.
- To handle the social responsibilities of business.
- Degree is awarded from the State Government University (UKTU).
- Course is designed as per the requirement of the corporate world.
- Affordable & approachable campus for all the students of India.
- Guest lectures from the industries.
- Value Added Courses is offered free of cost.
Tally/ ERP 9.0
(CENTER FOR ADVANCED LEARNING) JBIT creates an environment for improving productivity and efficiency in a business environment of continuous improvement through education. Thus student gets an opportunity to make improvements to the traditional processes. It believes in creating a disciplined, knowledge-based approach designed to enhance customer satisfaction and build a customer culture that embraces innovative approaches to technology and business development.
Overall, it is a highly structured strategy for acquiring, assessing and applying customer expectations with manageable solutions for the purposes of product, system or enterprise innovation and design.
JBIT offers best internships prospects by holding collaborations with the top industries of India. Students undergo their internship program get ample on the job experience from it. JBIT gives ample opportunity to its students to undergo industrial visits to understand the practical aspects of marketing, finance, human resource and other operations of supply chain management etc. Industrial visits help them to gain hands-on experience how industry operations are executed. Industrial visits enhance live experience, industrial interpersonal skills and official communication techniques. Through this practice, students become more aware of industry practices and regulations.