The institution has took a plunge into the immensely refreshing and challenging field of the Civil Engineering with the setting up of the Civil Engineering Department. The department ensures the current needs of commerce industry.
The Department offers Bachelor of Engineering (B. Tech.) with specialization in Civil Engineering. The academic activities are so planed that department emphasizes the deep understanding of fundamental principles, analytical ability and development of creative ability to handle the challenges of being a Civil Engineer. "If you want to pursue your career in Civil Engineering do keep in mind to choose the Best Engineering College in Dehradun."
Programs offered with Description
The following programs are offered through this department.
Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) Civil Engineering |
04 years |
Diploma in Civil Engineering | 03 years |
The Civil Engineering is a very good option to build the career in the field of infrastructure development. It includes the areas of the structural and pavement activities, construction and maintenance of structures, maintaining pavements, railroads, soil bases, performing erosion control, operating heavy equipment, structural and metal fabricating, construction, and maintenance and other operations functions.
The department has fully equipped state-of-the-art laboratories supervised by experienced faculty members. There are trained technicians to help the students in performing the experimental based learning.
Survey Lab
This laboratory is used to provide intensive practical exposure to the students in the field of survey. To measure the land area, preparation of map, elevation of a point, setting out works by practical work. Practical experiments in chaining, compass, plane table, levelling and theodolite will give experience in handling the surveying equipments. To be exposed to testing of the different materials under the action of various forces and to determine the characteristics experimentally.
Strength of Material Lab
This lab is intended to learn the properties of different materials like steel, concrete, timber, bricks and other materials. Study the behaviour of different structural elements by conduct of different tests like tension, compression, torsion, impact, shear, bending and hardness tests and develop skill in use of measuring instruments.
Concrete and Highway Lab
This laboratory is used to provide intensive practical exposure to the students in the field of construction. To understand and perform various tests on cement, aggregates and concrete. To do tests on cement as per the set standards.
Soil Mechanics Lab
The aim of this laboratory is to provide the hands-on training in the determination of index properties of soils applied in field problems. Familiarize the students to do the experiments as per the guidelines of BIS. To provide the knowledge on the use of experimental results pertaining to foundation problems.
Fluid Mechanics Lab
To get exposure about the function of various hydraulic equipments. To learn the aim, working principle, components, function of hydraulic equipments, to get hand-on experience in the operation of hydraulic equipments. To study to take observations while the equipment is in operation, to do calculations and to draw characteristic curves, to interpret the results obtained to arrive a conclusion.
Environmental Engineering Lab
The aim of this laboratory to get exposure about water and sewage analysis. I has objectives to analyze water and sewage volumetrically and using certain equipments, to prepare reagents for each experiment, to get hand-on experience in the operation of equipments like pH meter, TDS meter, turbidity meter, to study to take observations after each titration, to study to do calculations and interpret the results obtained using IS specification for drinking water and waste water (IS 10500-1963 and IS 2490).
Hydraulics & Hydraulic Machines Lab
The hydraulics laboratory is fully equipped with all the facilities and experimental setup through which students are given a very good demonstration to understand various methods of measurement of flow rates, capacity & velocity of water in tanks, closed pipes and open channels.
Building Material Lab
The Building Material Lab is equipped with experimental setup required for study of properties of various building materials.
Transportation Lab
Transportation lab consists of equipment used in the testing of bituminous materials such as viscosity, ductility and plasticity and other devices for super-pave testing of bitumen and aggregates. There are other devices for mix design by both Superpave and Marshall Methods.
Structure Analysis Lab
The Structural Analysis Lab facilitates in the determination of the effects of loads on physical structures and their components. Results of the analysis are used to verify a structure's fitness for use.
Geology Lab
The Geology lab is used for experiments related to crystallography and mineralogy. State-of-the-art facilities are also available for experiments on structural geology.
The CAD Lab is equipped with AutoCAD software and is extensively used for design and drawing. The knowledge gained in the lab eventually equips the students to provide quality service to be employed in the industry.