Dear Alumni,

You have enjoyed most valuable and blissful college time as a part of the JBIT Family, we understand our relationship and bounding with each other, keeping that in mind lets unite to strength the power of your own family. Let’s join the hands to develop the Alumni Cell and be an active member of JBIANS Alumni Committee.

Visions of the Alumni cell are:-
To promote the academic and professional development of members through activities, advance courses, conferences and any other activities as the Alumni Cell may decide to organize.

To offer benefits to its members and seek of advancing their interests; and to contribute to the economic development of the country, through the dissemination of new concepts in science and technology, advance management Techniques and other useful information .

To help the society and meritorious students by giving them Merit Scholarship and other Financial relaxation in terms of fees.

You all are hereby requested to fill the attached Google form and also circulate in your batch-mates.

Thanking You,


Placements and Alumni Relations