JBIT Engineering College Students Visit to UCOST

Being the pioneer among the Engineering Colleges, JB Institute of Technology always takes initiative to facilitate every available resource and opportunity for the students to empower them with concrete technical and scientific acumen. Following this, an informative visit was arranged for the students at UCOST(Uttarakhand State Council for Science & Technology), Dehradun on 4th February 2019.

The auspicious day celebrated the 3rd  Anniversary of the Regional Science Centre, Vigyan Dham, Dehradun witnessed by our students. While addressing the guests and students Dr. Rajendra Dobhal, Director General UCOST gave an expatriate elaboration on the importance of scientific updates in the contemporary scientific era. His speech was then followed by the invitees and keynote speakers. They all emphasized on the various applications of science and technology in today’s world. According to them, science continues to make human life easier with every new research. Today, due to the comprehensive development of science, human beings are moving forward in every sphere of the world. With the help of science, human has taken control of everything available on the earth.

After the session, students visited the Vigyan Dham. They witnessed various technical simulating projects. The visit proved to be highly beneficial for them.